Step Up, Step Out! Share What You Know!

At my Yoga Studio, I have a special class called the “New Grad” class. It is where I offer brand new teacher grads the ability to teach right after they graduate. I mean, before the ink is barely dry on their YTT certificate! Why do I do this as a studio owner? Because I know Yoga teachers and I know human nature. We never feel like we are good enough, ready enough, or trained enough to start teaching.

When these new grads take me up on the offer, they find their wings and they fly! For those who don’t… well, they are probably taking their 12th Yoga workshop waiting for the time when they feel they are “ready”. There is a reason we have been called to teach Yoga. And I believe each of us has a group of students waiting for us to show up and help them. We just have to step up and step out into our dharma. Don’t hesitate to share what you know! And this goes to sharing with other Yoga teachers what you have found out that works for you and/or your students.

My Yoga business life totally changed when I submitted a call for presentation for the first Yoga Alliance conference. No, I did not get paid to share what I knew about teaching Chair Yoga to Seniors, but the residual affects of my stepping out (gulp!) have come back to me ten-fold! Don’t covet what you know, share it for the benefit of all! The Yoga Alliance is looking for Yoga Teachers to present a webinar on what they have a passion for that can help other teachers. Think about this seriously. You may not think you are good enough, ready enough or trained enough to share with other Yoga Teachers – but you are!

For more info –

Blessings to you all! Sherry